Lord, you know that I am not worthy, just say the word and I will be healed. In my imperfections Father I am before you , head bowed and heart heavy, my brother, Jesus, is beside me his hand on my shoulder. I am asking through Him and with the utterings of the Holy Spirit that you heal my brokenness. My tears are hot as they trickle down my face and I am all human emotion. I confess my weaknesses and ask that the Holy Spirit renew in me your love, your wisdom and Father please, your comfort. I cannot say or utter a request for anything from you. You have blessed me with family, shealter, food, clothing. I seek the shealter of your arms amd your love. To wipe my tears, rest for the weariness, forgiveness for my sins. Teach me to know what I must do and be for those arround me. I am here to serve as Jesus did. So much is swirling around inside me, guide me to do your will. Oh dear Father, I am heartidly sorry for having offened Thee and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishment, but most of all because they offend Thee my God, who art all good and deserving of ALL my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and avoid the near occassions of evil. And it is around about me Father. Bind Satan, help me to be strong and make right choices. You are forever faithful Father and as your child I am still in need of instruction. I've closed my life to my children Father because I can no longer endure the pain and also my doubt as a mother. I feel I have failed in discipline and I am trusting you to put it all back together. I love you Abba, you are the great I AM and I am your daughter. Teach me through Jesus, in His name I ask and pray. Amen