It's Thursday, June 26, 2008
almost 10:30
This is the day the Lord had made, Let us rejoice and be glad!
I have to claim this today, as my spirit is low. I awoke at 8 a.m.. The house is quiet but for the gentle snores and soft breathing of others in sleep. I must be quiet and have my time here sipping coffee out of the angel mug Carolyn bought for me and gave an identical one to Jill while we were in Texas with her 2 weeks ago. Jill gave me a mug and Carolyn with her name on it so we could all have coffee together in the mornings, but I believe I must have left it at her home. I drank coffee out of it everyday while I was there with her and I bet it's in her drainboard. That has to mean I will be back there soon to have coffee with her in person. They are my sisters. I love them dearly and I pray for each of them and thier daily needs.
My day must start now. My foremost thoughts are with my cousin Raney and his wife, Jean. It's another day of cancer fighting for them and I pray God will give them strength. Also, my daughter Naomi, who is also fighting cancer and her husband Allen and their children; Bradley and Ashley. God never puts more on us than we can bare, but there is a crying out to Him, Father Almighty, through His son Jesus Christ, that these are burdens when we are at our weakest, and He is the one who makes us strong. We ask for the Holy Spirit to keep us alight with the fire and desire to do God's will, In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
April 21, 2021
3 years ago