ReminderFrom the Presidential Prayer Team
"I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity. Keep this desire in the hearts of Your people forever, and keep their hearts loyal to You." I Chronicles 29:17
O Father God, in You is all truth and integrity. You are glorious and righteous, and You do not deceive us or hide from us. We are thankful that we can fully trust in You. You remain steadfast to Your promises; may Your people desire to do the same. We pray today for You to move across our nation with a longing for integrity and righteousness among our people. We especially pray that those who run for office, and those who are elected this year, will be persons of integrity. Father, You alone know the hearts of each candidate and what motivates them to seek public office. May they be led by Your spirit to move willingly, with honest intent, toward the elections and the administrations that result from them. May they understand that You are sovereign over the kingdoms of men and You have given them authority. Amen.