Friday, August 21, 2009


'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.'

God has more than a thousand ways to provide for us, that we know nothing about.
Here is your financial blessing.

Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God,

I pray to you that you abundantly bless my family and me..
I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in You.
GOD, I send up a prayer request for financial blessing and that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in you is more powerful than anything!
I thank you in advance for your blessings.
God, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt burdens.
Release your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that you have given me GOD, for I know how wonderful and mighty you are and how if we just obey you and walk in your word and have the faith of a mustard seed that you will pour out blessings.
I thank you now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come, because I know you are not done with me yet.

In Jesus name, Amen.