July 22, 2008
Jesus turned around and said to her, "Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well." And the woman was healed at that moment.
Matthew 9:22 (New Living Translation)
Dear Heavenly Father, I awkoke to find this daily verse on the computer and I believe you were speaking to me of Jaime. That all will be well. I claim that Father in faith and thank you that the waiting for the test results will anxious free, for thou hast given me an answer . I love you Father, TY. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
July 21, 2008
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for today. It has been a true challenge. I have missed the mark in some areas and I ask forgiveness and wisdom to do it better next time. I prayed and you answered my prayer (TY TY TY)that Kasey could go to the vacation bible school at the church I would like to attend on a regular basis. Father, if you could make that happen for me as well, I would be greatful. She learned her Bible verse for today. Psalm 150 : 1 & 2 Praise the LORD! Praise Him for His mighty acts. It was sweet how she raised her arms to show strength (muscle) when she voiced "mighty".
Mother too, has been good today. She still forgot alot and put her slacks on backwards, but that she is able to dress herself, still walk, feed herself , and still show concern for others is such a blessing. One day Lord before she returns home to you she may be past that capability. Forgive my impatience at answering her questions for the 100th time over and over again and thank you for the people you give me to listen to me groan. Sharing my thoughts and anxiety with them helps me cope.
Our cousin Raney is still with us Father. May the remaining time he has be comforting to him and Jean and his sisters. Love flows and though he asks for no tears, they cannot help but be sad that it will be a long while before they see him again. Thankfully all of our homes will be with you in heaven. I ask your blessing Father, in the name of your son Jesus. Keep us safe from the harm of Satan.
I pray for my daughters and granchildren Father. I don't have the means to see them often, talk with them. Please watch over them and guide them in your Sons footsteps, that they may all know, love and serve you with their whole mind, body and spirit.
Especially hold Jaime close to you now, as we wait for the neurological tests to be completed on her headaches. Help us not to fear and jump to conclusions and wait and rest in you. Only you can bless her Father, giving her good people to make her well and help her on this journey, just as you have for Allyson and Naomi. You never fail us Father, never. Our home is with you, abiding in you, you are faithful to forgive our failings and you bless us with a chance to grow and make ourselves like your Son Jesus. We too, are your sons and daughters.
In all things Father, we give you thanks and praise. Let the Holy Spirit continue to talk and guide us and help us to be still to hear His voice. We ask all things and pray all things in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
July 21, 2008
One of our members has requested prayer for her father who will be moving from New York to live with her. He will be leaving with his grandson on Thursday, so please be praying for safe travel. Also be praying that her father can adjust easily to all the changes that are taking place in his life. Father, we are so grateful for the parents who cared for us when we were young and for the privilege of caring for them as they grow older. We pray for Your grace and mercy to cover this father and grandson as they travel from New York. Protect them from every danger and deliver them safely to their destination. We pray for this father as he faces the inevitable changes in his life, asking that You would help him to adjust to his new home with his daughter. May the love they have for each other be greater than any obstacle they may face. Hold them in Your tender care, in Jesus' name. Amen.
July 19, 2008 Our cousin Raney
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that Raney's health is fading fast. I am leaving this morning to go down. He is in Hospice House since Tuesday, I think. From what I understand, he will not be leaving there to go back home. His legs, especially, are swollen so bad that he can't turn over in bed. He seems confused to me. I talked to him Thursday afternoon and he kept saying something about a truck. Janie said she talked to him and he talked about traffic. Maybe it is the medicine, but he has always been so alert before when I talked to him and except for a few grunts once in a while (from discomfort), you wouldn't know he was sick just from talking to him on the phone. He has been able to carry on a good conversation and for the most part, his voice sounded pretty strong.
Please pray for Raney. All I ask today is that you lift him before the Lord and ask that Gods' will be done, but to give him a peace that passes all understanding. I know he has made his preparation to make Heaven his home and I find comfort in that. Pray for Jean. She has been by his side and taking care of him from the day they met almost. She is such a blessing and I know this has been so hard for her to see him go through things that we can't even imagine. Pray for Shirley (my sister) and me as we travel today to be with him.
Thank you all for all your prayers so far and being so supportive. I know I have been so blessed through all of this with the help given me by Michael & Rebecca, Mary, Rhonda, and Brian. If it had not been for their help financially and their encouragement, I would not have been able to be with Raney as much as I have. I have received so many undeserved blessings. And I could not even begin to thank them or the rest of you for prayers and support..........THANK YOU FROM THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY HEART! You are all such BLESSINGS.
July 17, 2008
- Please be praying for someone who feels "under attack", especially related to employment.
- Lord, we are so grateful that You were willing to suffer for our sake. You were despised and rejected, acquainted with grief. Often it seems that as we strive to grow closer to You, we encounter hardships on every front. Grant us faith like that of Habakkuk, a righteous man whose words invite us to trust You even in the most painful situations, and to praise You despite our suffering. Lord, lift our eyes beyond what we can see today to the glorious things You have prepared for us. Bless this believer in a special way and use this situation to accomplish Your divine purpose. Be strength and comfort and encouragement to all who place their trust in You. In Your blessed name we pray, Amen.
- "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the feels produce no food, yet will I rejoice in the Lord; I will be joyful in God, my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength." Habakkus 3:17
- I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea com drifting home with broken masts and sails;I shall believe the Hand which never fails, Who from seeming evil worketh good to me.And though I weep because those sails are battered,Still will I cry, while my best hopes lie shattered,"I trust in Thee." ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1850-1919 ~
- Please be praying for Donna in North Carolina who is undergoing treatment for cancer and is suffering severe and prolonged nausea from chemotherapy and radiation.
- Father, thank You for the comfort that is immediately available when we draw near to You. Through the power of Your spirit we are united in this intercessory ministry and we are privileged to pray for those whose needs are made known to us. In faith and obedience we lift the suffering that Donna has endured for so long and lay it at Your feet. Just as You have faithfully comforted us, we pray that You would bring comfort and reassurance to her. May she feel Your presence and experience the fullness of Your blessed peace. Father, grant Your divine wisdom and compassion to the physicians who are directing her care. Work through this illness to achieve Your divine purpose and may all thanks and praise be Yours, in Jesus' name. Amen."
- All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ." 2 Corinthians 1:3
July 15, 2008 Tuesday
Please keep Kasey's Great~Uncle Tim in you prayers. We just learned he had a massive heart attack over the week-end. Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Terry drove up from Florida. Doctors are having a consult today to determine if he is strong enough for by-pass surgery or if they will do angioplasty. He is in Akron City hospital.
"Heavenly Father, we lift Tim and his family before you, that you may have mercy and grace for each heart to bare this burden and bring about healing. May you send a legion of angels to whisper words of sweet comfort to Tim and the family and words of wisdom to guide those caring for his needs. In Jesus name we ask and pray." And we all said "Amen".
July 9, 2008 Raney
Hi Everyone,
I talked to Jean a while ago. I had misunderstood about Raney being taken off the cumadin (blood thinner). I assumed when she told Janie the doctor had taken him off of it, that it was a permanent thing. Not true! She said they go every few days for a blood check. Since it was so dangerously thin (800) they took him off it. When he goes back for the next blood check, if it is low enough, they will adjust the dosage, but will put him back on it. I was relieved to hear that. I know the blood being too thin is very dangerous, but I also know that without the cumadin, the clotting will get worse and that will also be very dangerous.
They talked about having Hospice start to come in. She said Raney was ready for it and she was also relieved because she was so afraid she might do something unknowingly that might hurt Raney and she couldn't bear that. She said that the Hospice people would be a help to Raney with some concerns he has that she can't answer. I am sure they can make it easier on her, too, by explaining some things and just having their knowledge there with them. I think she said they would meet with Hospice on Thursday.
The news isn't the best, but I feel better now. I guess I should ask more questions instead of assuming or thinking the worst. Raney still has a good appetite. Jean says he is eating like a "little pig". (ha)
Love to all,
"Heavenly Father, we thank you for todays blessings and that Raney is till able to eat and enjoy food. May the nourishment it brings help to fight the cancer for we know there are foods that you have provided to help fight cancer. Thank you for the good folks at Hospice, everywhere. What a priviliged job you have given them. Thay re indeed living angels of mercy and reassurance. That Raney should decide it was time and help Jean take the best possible care of Raney will help her with the burden of ever thinking she did something to set Raney's recovery back. You do indeed take care of us Heavenly Father, providing each of us to help the other through this world until we come home to You. All praise and thanksgiving to you Almighty Father for your love and tender care. In Jesus name we ask and pray all things, Amen."
May our prayers bring a measure of strength & God's blessing Love, Cathy
Please continue praying for Raney and his family. He continues to lose weight and is growing weaker. He is at home and is cared for by his loving wife.
" Gracious Lord, when we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of You. When we have exhausted our resources, You will meet each need out of Your glorious resources. Raney and his family find strength in the knowledge that You are preparing a place for those who love and trust You, a place where there is no more pain, no more tears and no more sorrow. Hold them in the hollow of Your hand and cover them with Your grace and peace. In Your name we pray, Amen."
>>> Linda Davenport 6/23/2008 9:04 AM >>>I just received an update from one of our members for her cousin for whom we have been praying. Raney is undergoing chemotherapy and has been hospitalized with complications (one of his arms was swollen twice its normal size). The doctor suspects it is a blood clot. He has lost a lot of weight and with the complications, the doctor may stop the chemotherapy.
"Lord, we praise You for Your great mercy. You are our refuge in times of great distress and our hope in every situation. We stand together in faith as we lift Raney and his family before you today. May they hear Your whisper of love and reassurance, and may they rest in peace as only You can give. Bless them and keep them, in Your precious name. Amen"
>>> Linda Davenport 5/30/2008 3:34 PM >>>Please continue to pray for Raney who is being treated for cancer of the liver and pancreas. I was relieved to hear the tumors are growing smaller. There was no change in the pancreas, but there also was no sign of it spreading. I claim it's due to everyone's prayers. I praise and thank God for every measure of blessing He bestows. My prayers are for the prayers warriors. We have no need to worry, for we can change nothing. They will give him a 10 day rest, then start with chemo again. Thank you so much for your prayers.
"O God, our help in ages past, You are the one true source of Hope, our Refuge, our Deliverer. Only in You will our souls find rest, for "the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders. Grant us faith and courage to entrust all things to You. We unite our hearts in prayer for this request, seeking Your blessed provision and healing, according to Your divine purpose. In Jesus' name, Amen."
When we have nothing left but God, we become aware that God is enough." ~ Agnes Royden 1876 ~
>>>Linda Davenport 5/5/2008 3:42 PM>>>One of our members has sent the following request. Please add Raney to your prayer lists:...............Dear Linda, Please ask the prayer warriors to pray for my cousin Raney (liver and pancreatic cancer). We know Jesus came to us as a healer. Our belief in Him is steadfast and we yearn to touch the hem of His garment and know He will heal us. Please ask for strength for endurance, rest from the pain, and peace in our souls that Christ is our Lord & Redeemer. Love, Cate
Philippians 1:21~24 "For to me, living means opportunities for Christ and dying---well, that's better yet! But if living will give me more opportunities to win people to Christ, then I really don't know which is better, to live or die! Sometimes I want to live and at other times I don't, for I long to go and be with Christ. How much happier for ME than being here! But the fact is that I can be of more help to YOU by staying."
These words by St. Paul help me realize there is a perfect life waiting, but our work here is in accordance with God's will. Perhaps my cousin's sufferings here will give him a witness and testimony for other cancer patients. Where there is life there is hope! Our Lord is a healer!!
" Dear Heavenly Father, as Raney's family gather and support a loved one so dear, hearts are broken by the suffering and pain he endures to get well, to live life with his dear wife, Jean. We lift them up to you Father, to bless and bestow your tender mercies. We are your children Lord. Let us offer our sufferings and pain along with your Son Jesus' suffering and pain for us. We know to continue to thank You and praise You in our circumstances, good and bad, this is your will in Christ Jesus concerning us. To pray without ceasing. We know, Father, that you are faithful. You send us the Comforter to live within our heart, soul and mind. We praise and thank you for Raney, the loving family you have provided him. We ask, that you give wisdom to hi caretakers and surround them with faith, hope and love. In Jesus name we ask and pray. Amen"
One of our members is requesting prayer for her mother who continues to have health problems related to seizures and loss of memory. There is a family history of Alzheimer's. She saw a physician yesterday who ordered an EEG and suggested she see another physician for a second opinion as well. Please also pray about a problematic relationship between this woman and her daughter.
"Father, we acknowledge that You work in mysterious and wonderful ways. You can use times of illness and suffering to bring more than physical healing; you can work through these circumstances to also heal family relationships. In faith and obedience we pray for this family as they struggle to find solutions and compassionate treatment for their mother. Direct them to a physician who is concerned for the well being of the patient as well as those who will provide care for her. Guide them through this process, in Jesus' name. Amen"
One of our members is requesting the prayers of the warriors as she pursues the purchase of a home for herself and her son. The lease is up on her current home this month and she has made an offer on a house that just became available. She asks that the warriors "lift this decision from my shoulders. If God intends for me to have this house, please let it happen as His will.
"Father, as a single mother I understand the significance of this purchase. This woman has surrendered her life to Your care and she has seen the power of prayer at work. You protected her and her son during her treatment for cancer; You provided a home for them when her marriage failed. You have directed her steps and she has learned to trust You more and more. We have made this journey with her and thank You for the privilege of lifting her many times before You in our prayers. Once again we joyfully lift this decision from her shoulders and pray for Your divine purpose to be accomplished. May the taproot of her faith grow deeper yet as You meet every need. Bless her and keep her, in Jesus' name. Amen
****"Your Maker is your husband - the Lord Almighty is His name. He will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit. The Lord says, 'With everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you. Your sons will be taught by the Lord and great will be your children's peace.' " Isaiah 54
"Mom had surgery on Wednesday and she did great. We went back to the doctor on Thursday and he said that everything is where it is supposed to be and that she was doing good. Tomorrow we go back for the one week appointment. Hopefully we continue on the same path! She has her next surgery on the 14th.
"Father, thank You for this wonderful report and for Your tender mercies that are new every morning. We lift all praise to You as we trust for continued healing and another successful surgery next week. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.
Linda Davenport 7/1/2008 4:55 PM >>>One of our members is requesting prayer for her mother who is having her first cataract surgery tomorrow; the second surgery will be on the 14th. Please also be remembering this daughter as she takes on additional responsibilities in the next few weeks.Father, we are grateful for the many ways You have blessed us, especially for the parents who gave us life and for the privilege of caring for them in their last years. We join our hearts and prayers with this family and pray Your protection upon this woman during these surgical procedures. Touch her with Your grace and healing to restore her vision. Be with her daughter during the weeks of recuperation that she will be intuitive regarding her mother's needs. In Jesus' name, Amen.