Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Topic: Temporal and Spiritual Revelation

"Revelation is not enjoyed by the members of the Church, only. The Constitution of the United States was revealed from God; and I cannot help but think if the people of the world would study the source of great discoveries made for the betterment of the children of men, in the sciences and in the arts, they would at once admit there was some power greater than man that had brought them about. The wireless telegraphy is a marvel and a wonder; as well as the telephone, by which the human voice is now carried from ocean to ocean. These inventions did not come about through man's wisdom alone. The development of electricity and the transmission of thousands of horsepower over a small copper wire, for hundreds of miles away from where the power is generated, have been made possible through inspiration from our Heavenly Father. We need not be told, my brethren and sisters, that the men who have made these great discoveries did not receive inspiration from a greater source than their own brain. If a man places himself in a position to receive revelation or inspiration from God, seeks it diligently and honestly, it is often granted him, particularly if his heart and soul are in attune with God's purposes." - Reed Smoot, "Conference Report," April 1915, Second Day—Morning Session, p.90

********************Silence is the voice of complicity. ********************